The following information was provided by New York State Police:
In an effort to help the public, a website and hotline have been established to answer all questions about the New York SAFE Act.

The New York State Police have established a hotline 1-855-LAW-GUNS.
The hotline will be available starting Monday, January 21, 2013.
The hotline will run for normal business hours Monday through Friday and will be staffed by State Police members.
The Governors Office has established NYSafeACT Website.
On the website, gun owners and licensed dealers will find a list of frequently asked questions that have been compiled and answered by experts on this new law.
There is also a section on what is and is not considered an assault weapon. This includes photos of weapons, banned features, a list of some of the banned weapons, and those firearms that are NOT considered assault weapons.

Please Note: The NYSAFEACT website has had numerous inaccuracies, and content could change, affecting your interpretation of the laws. Please read with caution.